Jim Garner
Senior Swimming
November 2001

Nothing to report except for Short Course Champs Time Standards.

Following are proposed times, number of heats, and session length. I was requested by Competition to have sessions without relays to be 3 hours or so. You can see in the following spreadsheet that these times should produce three hour sessions. The times are based on 2000-2001 swims up to but not including Short Course Champs. It also assumes that 10% of the eligible athletes will not enter the meet.

The last column indicates whether the proposed time is faster than or slower than last year's cut times.

Based on this, I propose no change in last year's times (that is we will stick with the 2001 cut times). The meet was short last year because some teams did not participate at the level they could have. If you assume all eligible swimmers will come, then even mote of the cut times are actually faster than last year.
