Minutes of PVS Officials Committee Meetings
Minutes of
PVS Officials Committee Meeting
September 13, 2009
Members present: Jack Neill, Boots Hall, Donna Considine, Dick Griffith, Jim Thompson, Tim Husson, Lionel Bejean, Bob Vincent, Jim Garner, Steed Edwards, Dave DiNardo, Mike Rubin, Elizabeth Jester, Pam Starke-Reed, Denice Wepasnick
The meeting convened at 2:45pm at Boots Hall's house. Thanks go out to Boots and Jack Hall for their hospitality.
Minutes: Minutes of the June 16, 2009 meeting were approved.
New Officials Chair: Jack Neill became the PVS Officials Chair on September 1st. A new PVS By-Laws Amendment imposes a term limit on the Officials Chair.
Officials Workshop: Amy Hsu and Bob Vincent will be representing PVS at the USA Swimming Officials Workshop, October 9-10 in San Antonio.
Clinics: Joe Flaherty of Quince Orchard Swim and Tennis Club in Gaithersburg has requested that a Stroke and Turn clinic be held at his facility. Denice Wepasnick will contact him to arrange a date. Machine Aquatics has indicated interest in hosting a clinic in Virginia. Tim Husson will plan to have another Beginning Hy-Tek clinic at the October Open, October 18 at Fairland. Tim also will present an Advanced Hy-Tek clinic on November 14 at MLK.
Swimposium: The agenda for the PVS Swimposium’s Officials Track was reviewed and discussed. Donna Considine will draft a timeline for the day. She will also arrange for swimmers to assist with the Starters' activities.
New Referees: The committee reviewed the list of eligible candidates and made recommendations regarding the officials who will be invited to train as new Referees. Jack Neill will contact these officials to determine their interest. He will schedule and present a New Referees' Clinic.
Officials Tracking System: Three meets have not yet been entered in the OTS for the 2008-09 Season. Meet Referee and Meet Manager need to be aware that the information needs to be entered within a week. Tim Husson discussed some of the various types of reports available through OTS and showed the ease with which PVS could use the system to administer LSC certification.
Staffing of Meets: Meet Referees and Club Officials Chairs need to be mindful of the importance of adequately staffing meets, especially in terms of assigning competent HyTek and Colorado operators. It is recommended that the assignment of two starters be considered, especially for lengthy sessions.
Meet Manager 3.0: Tim Husson gave the committee a summary of the changes found in the latest upgrade of HyTek. See attached.
Officials Qualifying Meets: The committee decided that four meets will be offered as Officials Qualifying Meets during the upcoming short course season:
Tom Dolan Invitational - Initial N3 Ref and Starter, Final N3 S&T and CJ
SC Senior Champs - Initial N3 Ref and Starter, Final N3 S&Tand CJ
SC Junior Olympics - N2 Ref,Starter and CJ, Final N3 S&T
Sectionals- Final N3 Ref and Starter, Final N3 S&T and CJ
Club Official's Chair Meeting: Jack Neill sent email to all known Club Officials Chairs (See attached), along with the Club Officials Chair Guide and the recruitment brochure. The committee requests that the PVS Board strongly emphasize to clubs the necessity of appointing an active Club Officials Chair. Dave DiNardo will bring this item to the next Board Meeting.
Operation Division Budget: The new PVS fiscal year began September 1, 2009. Committee members were asked to consider equipment needs that would enhance meet operations and other activities of the committee. Dave DiNardo and Tim Husson will be creating an inventory of the existing equipment. Non-functioning equipment will be replaced. Dave will look into additional data projectors for use at clinics and will investigate new radios and headsets.
Newsletter: Jack Neill will continue to produce the PVS Officials Newsletter but requested help from the committee with newsletter articles.
Standard Uniform for Championship meets: Jack Neill would like to suggest that a standard uniform of white over blue be used for Prelims and light blue over blue be used for Finals in Championship meets to avoid confusion.
Safety Chair Vacancy: The committee has been asked to suggest a new Safety Chair for the LSC. Before considering the request, the committee would like to see a job description or a list of duties for a Safety Chair. Dave DiNardo will follow up with the PVS Board.
Chief Judge Training: Boots Hall would like to see specialized Chief Judge training with a formal certification. A committee, consisting of Jim Thompson (Chair), Dave DiNardo, Steed Edwards, Dick Griffith, Elizabeth Jester, Jack Neill, and Denice Wepasnick, was formed to begin work on this.
The meeting adjourned at 5:40pm
The next meeting is to be determined. [subsequently scheduled for Nov 10, 2009]
Respectfully submitted by,
Denice Wepasnick
Committee Member