JANUARY 20, 2004

Held at Jim Carey's office on North Capitol Street in the district at 7:00 pm Attending were Jim Carey; Sue Schwartz, Boots Hall, Jim Garner, Pamela Starke-Reed, Jim VanErden, Rita Page Arvydas Bardzukas, Dick Griffith, and Jerry Wisor.

  1. Discussion on misinterpretation of the application of the rule by PVS officials. Egregious was mentioned that some officials are not calling non-continuous turns in the backstroke if gliding occurs because the "swimmer gets no advantage." It was decided that Boots Hall would send a message to all referees that this an incorrect procedure.

  2. The current certification list was divided up among the committee members present to help determine which officials are still interested in officiating even though either their USA-S membership has expired or their certification has. Changes will be given to Rita Page the new certification officer.

  3. Boots Hall mentioned three big meets coming up. Sr. Champs, Speedo Sectional at UMD, and the Zone meet. In addition the Zone Master's meet will be at GMU. Officials are needed for all these meets. The officials committee will staff Sr. Champs as it is a National Certification meet for PVS.

  4. Two new clinics will be held. A Starter clinic in January and a S&T clinic in April. Both will be held at Burke Racquet and Swim Club.

  5. Jim Van Erden brought up the fact that a questionnaire has been developed for coaches regarding the suitability of meets held in PV. Are there enough, are there too many, what should be changed. This is being done by Strategic Planning. It was decided that a similar questionnaire should be developed for officials.

  6. The new starter bells are not sturdy enough. It was requested that we check into getting a slightly better bell, but one that won't break the bank.

  7. The date of February 24 was set for the next officials meeting, also to be held at Jim Carey's Office at 7 pm.