Present: Boots Hall, Frank Persico, Dick Griffith, John Hirschmann, Lynee
Phelps, Jim Carey, Bob Richardson, Jim Garner.
The meeting was called to order immediately following the Referee Clinic
by Chairman Boots Hall, at the Montgomery Aquatics Center, Rockville, MD.
The following items were discussed:
- Reviewed list of attendees at First-time Referee Clinic. A new
initiative was decided on to keep track of referees in training. Mentors
for each prospective referee were appointed. They are as follows:
Trainee Referee | Mentor
Rita Page | Jim Carey
Janet Coxe | Boots Hall
Jared Wisor | Bob Richardson
Mike O'Brien | Frank Persico
Art Davis | Lynee Phelps
Tim Husson | John Hirschmann
Elizabeth Jester | To be decided (Tyanna Ertter was selected). |
Last year's class of referee trainees have not all completed their
training. Will check on them and get mentors for those who haven't
- The decision was made that the following meets would be National
Certification Meets during the 2001-02 season: Joe Jacoby Holiday
Invitational; March Short Course Sectional; Senior Championships in
March; and Summer Long Course Sectional. The PVS Officials Committee will
take the lead in staffing those meets. For the December meet, Jim Garner
volunteered to be Meet Referee with Bob Richardson volunteering to be
Administrative Referee. Officials will also be expected to work at least
one session of the other PVS championship meets if they wish to receive National Certification.
- An outside Meet Referee will be asked for the March Sectional. Kit
Mathews, Boots Hall, Pat Lunsford and Joanne Faucett will agree on a
The next Committee meeting is scheduled for just before the December meet
in order to do the staffing and consider any other business that arises.
The meeting was adjourned after 40 minutes to allow the Stroke and Turn
Clinic to be held on time.