As approved after amendment at Board Meeting -- July 29, 2002


7:00 PM -- TUESDAY June 18, 2002
River Falls Community Center
Potomac, Md

The meeting was called to order by the General Chairman, Thirl Crudup, in attendance were: John Ertter, Kit Mathews, John Hirschmann, Bill Marlin, Linda Klopfenstien, Jim Garner, Bob Walker, Irene Millman, Linda Edmunds.

General Chairman's Report
Report Attached

Treasurer's Report/Finance Division
In response to a question from the Treasurer regarding registration, the reconciliation of the club's registration accounts were discussed. Irene Millman responded that one club still owed a substantial amount and was dealing directly with Thirl on their balance. Three other clubs still had substantial but significantly less than the other account with the outstanding balance and were cleaning them up.

The last club with missing registrations had just forwarded them and their batch failed to process as the incorrect file format was submitted. Further discussion occurred regarding the procedures for next year and why these batches seemed to fail and what was going on. It was explained that most of those failed batches occurred when the first batch of the registration year occurred and that with the exception of one club all the batches since the first of the calendar year. Irene outlined the registration procedure guidelines for next registration year and agreed to send a copy to the board for their comments prior to sending to the clubs in August.

Athlete Representatives
Report Attached

Discussion was postponed until the athlete could present his proposal in person.

Administrative Division
Report Attached

Discussion continued on the registration and splash fees and if all clubs had paid their appropriate splash fees. Irene indicated that she was working to verify is all club and PVS meets had been processed. She further noted that many club meets had not been submitted in a timely fashion and as of that meeting the club meets in May had not been received.

Webmaster Report Attached

Strategic Planning
Nothing to Report

Operations Division
Report Attached

Age Group Division
Bob Walker requested that the board approve the two zone coached elected at the May CCM, George Massey as the head coach and Dave Kraft as the assistant head coach. Unanimously approved. Further Bob asked the board to approve the addition of the following events to the PVS schedule as voted and approved at both the May Eastern Zone meeting and the May CCM.

The following changes to the PVS schedule as a result of the change to the EZ Zone Meet format were proposed and approved as noted. ·

Additionally he asked the board to approve the SCY schedule - it was tabled for further review pending a revised copy and an email vote would be held. (Special Note: It was subsequently approved at the July Board meeting.)

Senior Division
Travel Reimbursement Requests

Irene stated there were three Appeals received. All were college students of which two attended a local university. One was a request from the university and the other two were club requests. Discussion followed and the board approved all the appeals pending confirmation that the athletes did not receive compensation from the colleges. All three athletes had been members of PVS for a minimum of 2 years and represented the requesting clubs at Sr Nationals.

Coach Representatives
Nothing to Report

New Business
Brief discussion was held on the meeting date for the combined July August meeting. Two dates were selected and an email vote will be taken after all had reviewed their calendars. July 29 and July 30 were the chosen dates and it was agreed he meeting would be held at Linda Klopfenstien's home at 7pm. [Note: The meeting was subsequently scheduled for July 29 and held at River Falls.]

Old Business

Meeting adjourned at 8:24pm