Talking Points:
Mr. Thompson’s Membership Update highlights a matter that we would like to see reviewed. For background, PVS currently recognizes high school Scholar Athletes who have a 3.5 GPA or higher and who have a 3.5 event standard average in a minimum of 5 events. It’s the GPA standard we would like revised.
From Mr. Thompson’s report,
· in 2006-07, forty-one (41%) percent of the athletes in the PVS were Fairfax County residents. Yet, Fairfax Scholar Athletes only comprised 19.5% of those recognized by PVS.
· Last year, 38% of the PVS were comprised of Fairfax County athletes, but only 27% of the Scholar Athlete list attended Fairfax County schools.
I’m handing out a copy of a front page article from the January 3, 2009, Washington Post, which outlines what is causing this discrepancy. Fairfax County grades on a 6 point scale. Montgomery, Arlington, Falls Church, PG County and DC grade on a 10 point scale and give more weights for advanced courses than Fairfax does. Based on the PVS Scholar Athlete award’s current guidelines, the Honors/AP swimmers in 10-point schools can be making half C’s and half B’s to receive Scholar Athlete recognition, but Fairfax, Prince William, Loudoun and Alexandria Honors swimmers need to make grades averaging B+ or above to qualify.
We would like to request PVS recognize that there is a disparity and adjust its Scholar Athlete rules to accommodate and equalize the educational requirements of the Award for a more equitable distribution throughout the LSC.
The following calculation tool could be reviewed as a possible way to compute applicants’ grades to a consistent 10 point standard throughout the PVS.
Grade Points Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/IB
A-B+ (90-100) 4.0 5.0
B-C+ (80-89) 3.0 4.0
C-D+ (70-79) 2.0 3.0
D (60-69) 1.0 2.0
Calculation tool:
# of grades at A+, A, A- and B+: x 4.0 =
# of grades at B, B- and C+: x 3.0 =
# of grades at C, C- and D+: x 2.0 =
# of grades at D and D-: x 1.0=
# of grades at F: x 0 =
# of Honors/Advanced Courses (AP/IB/Dual)+
# of Total credits: total / =
credit hours WGPA
Virginia Ratcliff
Senior Athlete Representative