Selection of PVS's Eastern Zone Coaches
October 8, 2003

It is recommended that P&P state that the Competition Committee will seek nominations prior to the Fall Competition Committeed meeting and elect the Head Zone Coach and Asst Head Coach at the Fall Comptition meeting and also decide at that meeting how to pick the Asst Coaches for that year.

Note: Given likely forthcoming changes of the Eastern Zone Short Course meet coming as early as Spring 2005; it was determined it would it would useful to determine more specific requirements at this time.

PVS's P&P also does not address now how to select the LC zone coaches at all. Accordingly, we also recommening that P&P be amended to state the LC coaches be elected in similar manner, except that Competition Committee will seek nominations prior to the Winter Competition meeting and elect the Head Zone Coach and Assistant Head Coach at the Winter Comptition meeting and also decide at that meeting how to pick the Asstistant Coaches for that year.

The Board also addressed the situation that could arise if all the selected coaches are of the same sex. Therefore, it is recommended that PVS's P&P be amended to also provide that if all the coaches selected (Head, Assistant Head and Assistant Coaches) are of the same sex, the Head Coach (with the concurence of the PVS Board) shall select an additional coach of the opposite sex. PVS normally sends 6 coaches (sometimes 7) so that we can add an additional coach and still not violate the Eastern Zone rule that permits up to 8 coaches from each LSC.