Administration Division Report
March 3, 2003

1. Registration (see attached report) With the exception of the coaches, most problems have been resolved. We did our first meet reconciliation report before SC Champs last week. The few discrepancies were resolved without any dislocations or trauma. At this point, our 2003 database of approximately 6900 names is probably 99%+ accurate. Steps are being taken that will permit meet directors to perform meet reconciliation on their own for all sanctioned meets. PVS Admin will continue to perform these functions for championship meets. A new telephone contact procedure will be implemented for the registrar within the next two weeks.
2. Office and Administrator Both of these are active and we should have a firm plan in place very soon. Two PVS volunteers who are active in the local commercial real estate business have volunteered to use their resources to find a suitable sub-lease for our office space. The preferred location continues to be somewhere near the beltway between Tysons and Bethesda. The administrative position should be filled on either a temporary or permanent basis within a few weeks.
3. Legal A meeting was held with Joe Artabane of Artabane and Belden, a Washington DC law firm. His firm has agreed to accept a retainer from PVS to be our counsel of record. We will pay them a token annual retainer fee and they will be available to us for specific legal issues as needed. This firm has extensive experience with the legal framework that encompasses the U.S. amateur sports community, including specific experience with USA-S and the USOC.
4. Web Page Policy In order to serve our market better, it is recommended that our current policy be amended to permit the PVS site to list links to club sponsored meet announcements for meets that are not open to all PVS clubs. In addition, a new marketing link will be developed to coordinate with the marketing program described below.
5. Marketing

Officials - I met with the Officials Committee last week and they have adopted a new program aimed at volunteer retention and recognition. All officials will receive a new PVS nametag this spring and PVS lanyards are being ordered for next fall. Other items include PVS logo whistles for referees, bells for starters, officials shirts for recertifying officials, and briefcases for officials who run major meets. In addition, the Officials Committee would like to absorb the increase in officials registration fees scheduled for next year and would like a budget to use for officials travel to seminars and similar.

Volunteers - Other volunteers, such as timers, hospitality workers, program sales volunteers, organizers, etc. will be recognized with items such as event t-shirts, lapel pins, patches, pens, and similar. This is scheduled for implementation during the LC season.

Athletes - Image development items might include PVS decals and temporary tattoos, laminated membership cards, luggage / ID tags, patches, etc. This program will start with the LC season.

Public Relations / Image Development - a comprehensive program is being planned, with a two year implementation time line. The short term goals include development of a general marketing brochure and a recruiting brochure that will feature profiles of all the PVS teams. We also will be ordering visibility items such as banners for meets, logo imprinted tents for public events, and similar. We will be taking photographs at both indoor and outdoor events over the next three months for the brochures and will be soliciting materials from each club for inclusion in the brocure.

Awards - The 2002 Outstanding Athlete awards were presented last night at the SC Champs Sunday night finals. A revised format for presenting these awards will be developed for next year to take advantage of the media potential of this event.